As you can probably tell from my lack of blogging, things have been a bit busy in the Lucas house! Between having a new baby, hosting lots of visitors, and watching my husband become a rock star, we have truly been on the run each day. Life is new and overwhelming and exciting all at the same time and I am finding it hard to put into words exactly how I feel and share with you all I am witnessing.
It has been over a month since my last blog post and my little man is now almost 8 weeks old! And boy let me tell you, he has already changed SO much! He is longer and heavier AND his personality is really shining through! Just last week we started seeing him smile for the first time and what an amazing treat that has been! There is honestly nothing better than seeing your child smile up at you, or watching him smile at his Daddy. I LOVE it when Calen comes home and Codi flashes him a big old smile! It melts my heart each time. He thinks his Dad is pretty awesome. On top of the smiles, he is also having a great time kicking around on the ground these days. On his back or on his tummy he likes spending time on his quilts that his Great Aunt Jackie gave him or under his "Under the Sea" mat from his Aunt Becki staring at this big stuffed whale! He also has a whale bath tub that he loves, so we have decided that he is probably going to be a marine biologist and study whales :-) He must want to be like his cousin Melinda! So between smiles, kicking around, and fun bath times we have been having pretty great days.

Codi's One Month Picture
Codi smiling in his lambie hat that Auntie Kelsy gave him!
We have also been having lots of fun visitors. Our friends in San Diego are over frequently making sure that Codi, Calen, and I are well taken care of and I am SO grateful to each of them! Whether they stop by just for a minute to say hello, or stay until Codi falls asleep at night, I have loved the company. We also have had some special out of town visitors which have been great fun! Codi's Uncle Colby and Aunt Sandi came the week after he was born and Codi seemed to take right to them! We cant wait to see them again at Christmas time! Codi also got to meet my good friends from high school Jared, Emily V. and Emily H. who was actually visiting from Rome and planned her trip around getting to meet Codi! He is very honored! It was so fun having them here and it was so special getting to share Codi with them. We miss you guys already! And then most recently my best friend since I was Codi's age Emily R came to visit and meet Codi for the first time! It was great having her here as always and crazy to think that we have been best friends since we were as tiny as Codi! Crazy! It makes me realize how much we have gone through together. Love you Em! So glad that we have been able to walk through life together and thank you for welcoming Codi into our journey with such love!

We also took a trip to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Huntington Beach for 5 days a few weeks ago! It was our first trip away from home and was a BIG learning experience! Like a good first time mom, I didnt bring nearly enough of ANYTHING! You dont realize how many diapers you go through a day until you are away and have a limited supply! Good thing Target was around the corner! It was also a good learning experience to see how my Mom interacted with Codi each day. She was the one who noticed him smiling and also thought to give him time to kick around on the ground each day! I was stuck in a routine from when he was just a little newborn wanting him to just eat and sleep when he was actually happy to be awake and take in the world! Duh! Like I said earlier, now Codi spends a good amount of his day playing and kicking around. Thanks Mom for all of your wisdom! I am learning that each day Codi is changing, and I need to be adaptive and open to change at all times. No day is every going to be the same.
The reason that we were in HB for 5 days was because of an exciting opportunity that Calen's band Family Wagon has been working on in Long Beach. It was so nice that Codi and I could hang out with Grandma and Grandpa while Calen was working and then have him home at night with us. We will be heading back in the beginning of October for another week while Family Wagon is in the recording studio. This is an AMAZING opportunity for the band guys and I am so excited that we are able to make it work out so well for our family. I will keep you posted on all of the excitement with the band as soon as I know how much I can share with you all out in blog world! Keep them in your prayers as they work to make their dreams into realities!
Calen and I have been learning so much these past weeks about how to be better parents, and better spouses, and not going to lie, life has been stressful at times. BUT at the end of the day what we have come to realize is that even though life is so uncertain right now, the thing that we can hold onto is the fact that God is in control and that we love one another and nothing will shake that. Calen and I celebrated our 1 year wedding anniversary while we were in Huntington Beach and marveled over how much has happened in the last year. We laughed about how it's a good thing that we really meant our vows of "though thick and thin" and our promise to "love fiercely" as we really had NO idea what was ahead of us! While Grandma and Grandpa watched Codi, we had a nice dinner together and when we came back to the house we shared our anniversary cake,toasted to another crazy year, and finished off our date with a dance under the stars. No we couldnt take an amazing anniversary trip or stay at a fancy hotel, but we had each other...AND we had a loving little boy to cuddle at the end of the night. I'd say we have a pretty good life wouldnt you?

So...a day in the life? That would consist of a very hungry little boy, a happy boy in a whale bath tub, a kicky boy on a soft mat, possibly a large poop or two (with a hilarious poop face! If you have not witnessed this, it is a crack up!), a cuddly sweet boy, lots of smiles, maybe some gas, HOPEFULLY a nap or two, LOTS of love, then rinse and repeat and start another day. Through all of the ups and downs of the day I always look back and thank God for all that He has given to me and pray for His guidance through another day.
Thank you for all of your continued love and prayers. I would ask for prayer about feeding Codi. It seems that at this time I am not producing enough milk to fill him up and it is a bit stressful and disappointing at times. Also, Calen is extremely busy right now with work, school, and the band. I know that he is running on low fuel sometimes and still manages to be a wonderful husband and Dad. Keep him in your prayers for strength and guidance as he is making a lot of big decisions.
Hope to see you all soon so that you can experience the wonder of this amazing bundle of joy named Codi!
Kendall, Calen, and Codi